Git-Blog Usage

Git-Blog builds pages based on a number of components. The directory structure and files form the basis of the site and define the navigation of the pages. This section outlines each of the components and how they operate together to generate your site.

Headers and Footers

Headers and footers are included as php includes. This means that they can be contain any PHP code that you wish. The location of these include files is in the includes directory from the main root directory of the Git-Blog folder. The default filenames are 'header.php' and 'footer.php', however, these can be customized per section by adjusting the section's section_info.json file.

Custom Methods

Git-Blog exposes some methods to be used in the rendering of the headers and footers. These methods are all called on the $this object. Below is a listing of these custom methods and how they can be used.


    <?= $this->link('/path/to/document.html') ?>

This method allows you to create a link to a component within the Git-Blog system without having to worry about where the Git-Blog root is located. For instance if the root is found at then using the link method for a path of '/path/to/document.html' will give a URL of '/path/to/git-blog/path/to/document.html'.

The link method is used internally when building navigation items.

renderSectionNavigation($depth[, $addedItems])

    <?= $this->renderSectionNavigation(0) ?>

This will render the main navigation menu as an unordered list. This only renders section heading items for the first level and goes down the given number of levels deep. If a negative value is provided all menu levels are rendered. An optional argument can be passed in to specify additional menu items to be added. The format of the argument is an associative array:

    "label" => "Menu Label",
   "path" => "/path/to/item/",
    "sortOrder" => 10,

The path is rendered using the link method as described above. So '/' and '' will render the same and be rooted to the base path of the Git-Blog installation.


    <?= $this->renderSectionSubNavigation(0) ?>

This will render the specific section's navigation. This renders all of the pages for the given section. The sub sections are omitted. The items are rendered as an unordered list.


Returns the version string of Git-Blog.

File Format

All content files found in a directory are only considered if they have a .mkd extension. These are assumed to be Markdown formatted files and are rendered between the header and footer of the site. The .htacess file that comes with Git-Blog adjusts accesses to .html files to be redirected to their corresponding .mkd file. Customized headers and footers are available per section (directory) of the site.

Special Variables

In addition to the standard Markdown formatting additional information can be passed to Git-Blog during the rendering of a file. This is done by using special variables. Each special variable can be provided in an HTML comment with the following format:

<!-- VAR_NAME: variable value -->

The variable name (VAR_NAM) is case insensitive and cannot contain spaces. The value is set to the remainder of the comment (no line breaks).


This variable supersedes the section_info.json value for the title of the section. This way you can specify a custom title per page.


When provided this page will show up in the navigation with the given title value. If no link_label value is provided it will also be used for the label of the link.


When provided this page will show up in the navigation with the given label value.


When included in the navigation the sorting order of this item is determined by this value. It can be any string you would like, numbers sort before any other characters, so a numeric value would be ideal.

Directory Structure

Directories are only parsed for mkd files if a section_info.json file is present. This file indicates that the contents of the directory are meant to be part of the site. If there is no section_info.json file then the .mkd files found in the directory will be ignored and an invalid section error will be shown when trying to access those files.


This is the configuration file of the directory. This is required in each directory that is part of the site. The values in each section_info.json file are stacked on top of the parent directories values. You can override the values in a specific directory, otherwise any value set in any parent directory will be included in the child directories. This is a JSON formatted file and the following attributes are allowed:


A customized header file to be used when rendering the pages in this and any child sections. Defaults to the value of 'header.php'. All include files are searched for in the 'includes' directory.


A customized footer file to be used when rendering the pages in this and any child sections. Defaults to the value of 'footer.php'. All include files are searched for in the 'includes' directory.


The type of directory this is. A value of 'hidden' will indicate the directory is hidden from the navigation, but the files can still be rendered as pages (see the status_pages directory for an example).


The name of the site. This can be used when rendering the title tag of the site.


The specific section name for this section. Also used in rendering the title tag for the page. Also use in rendering the navigation. This is the label value used for the section in any navigation.


A title value for the section. Used in rendering the navigation. This is the title tag applied to the navigation entry.

Static Files

Any static file can be served from within the Git-Blog directory with the exception of mkd and json files. This is to prevent any raw data being exposed publicly. If you link directly to any file within the directory structure, whether it is in the navigation or not it can be shown.